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SOL (Standards of Learning) World History Review Baseball

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Answer the World History questions to hit the ball

Created Date 01.09.19
Last Updated 01.10.19
Viewed 41 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Who was the Roman General who conquered Gaul and became the first Roman dictator?
  • Which of these was a series of wars fought between Athens and the Delian League and Sparta and the Peloponnesian League?
  • Who is the person who crowned Charlemagne the first Holy Roman Emperor?
  • Most Ancient people were polytheistic, except for the ________________ along the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea
  • The Mayans and Greeks were similar in that both developed _______________________
  • Who is the founder of Islam, and where was he born?
  • Sintoism is the native religion of _________________________________
  • Aqueducts, Arches and the Colosseum are all examples of this civilization's architecture
  • The Zambezi, Limpopo, Niger and Nile River are all on this continent
  • Constantine moved the Roman Capital to this city
  • Which one of these is a Roman God under Roman Mythology?
  • Silk, Paper and Porcelain were all traded from ___________ along the Silk Road
  • Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share the characteristic of ____________________
  • The Royal Road, Being Tolerant of Conquered People, Belief in Zoroastrianism and Imperial Bureaucracy were all properties of the ___________________
  • Genghis Khan was the leader of the _______________
  • Which one of these religions came first
  • Aristotle, Thucydides and Phidias were all ancient ________________
  • Justinian was a ______________ emperor and built the _______________
  • The Gupta and Mauryan Empires were both within ___________________
  • Which of the answer choices below is NOT a reason for the fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Bible, Torah and Qu'ran all contain which prophet?
  • Cultural Diffusion is almost always spread along ___________________ in the ancient world
  • Who built the Great Wall of China?
  • The Eightfold Path, The Four Noble Truths and the belief in Reincarnation are all aspects of __________
  • What is the scientific name for modern humans
  • Pyramids in Ancient Egypt were used as ___________
  • Aztecs, Mayans and Incas were located in
  • Which of the options below was created by the Phoenicians?
  • The Renaissance was the time period of the ____________________
  • Cave art, creation of fire and simple tools all were first created during the ________________________
  • Which date is correctly matched to the event?
  • What was traded along the Trans Saharan Trade Routes?
  • History of Rome, Germanic Culture and Christianity all influenced what era of European History?
  • Ancient Roman Writer Virgil wrote _______________
  • Algebra, Arabic Numerals and advances in geography are all contributions of the ______________
  • The Pythagorean Theorem was created during ____________________
  • An example of Greco - Roman culture's influence on western society still visible today is _________________
  • Pericles rebuilt the city of _______________ after the Persian Wars
  • Asoka spread the religion of ___________________ through missionaries throughout India and China
  • Amber came from the _______________ region of Northern Europe
  • Clovis, Pepin the Short and Charles Martel are all members of the _________________
  • Untouchables were at the bottom of the Caste System in _________________
  • The Neolithic Revolution was when Homo Sapiens began to use____________
  • According to the Jewish faith, Moses received the __________________ from God
  • Which Ocean borders East Africa, South Asia and West Australia?
  • Greek City States set up colonies in order to find more _________________ land, since Greece is mountainous.
  • William the Conqueror, King John and King Henry II were all from what European country
  • Ivan the Great removed the _______________ from Russia
  • Which City-State was part of the Italian Renaissance and created works of art and culture?