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Barriers to Inclusive Education

| See more in Philosophy

Barriers that exist within education that prevents the implementation of inclusive education

Created Date 04.25.21
Last Updated 04.27.21
Viewed 1 Times
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  • Increased accountability measures and policymakers not believing in inclusive education
  • Focus on employee compliance more than quality learning
  • Economically-deprived school and poorly-cared for buildings restrict accessibility
  • Does not allow for use of different teaching methods and learning styles
  • Disconnect between course content and program on the skill require to teach students with disability
  • Funding shortages for materials, equipment, and technology
  • Inadequate understanding of how student with disabilities can participate in general education
  • Absence of skilled personnel and limited investment in training
  • Lack of vision and support for shared understanding through dialogue, resources, skill development
  • Unwillingness to embrace a philosophy of inclusion or to change existing practices