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The Seven Virtues and Vices Quiz

| See more in Philosophy

Select the word that best describes each statement. May your hearts ablaze within you with virtues and may you burn away vices.

Created Date 04.24.20
Last Updated 04.24.20
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Desiring to take away what others have for your own purposes
  • Being angry and holding offences against others
  • Selfishly holding things for your own purposes
  • Considering yourself better and more important than others
  • Thinking of how others can be of use to you
  • Using more resources than one individual should need
  • Allowing yourself to cease working towards perfection out of laziness
  • Building peace and mercy despite the situations
  • Working towards perfection in all things at all times
  • Giving selfless love and attention to others with joy in your heart
  • Practicing self control in all things
  • Being generous with time, talent and money
  • Thinking of others before yourself with a joyful heart
  • Valuing yourself and others as God's creations