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Chumash Game: Dibrot (Hebrew)

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Created Date 05.17.20
Last Updated 05.18.20
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is the full english translation of the first Diburs pasuk?
  • Which of the mefarshim thought that the first dibur was a mitzvah?
  • Why does the Rambam agree that the first dibur is a mitzvah?
  • What is the first dibur?
  • What משל did the Daat Habahag use for the first dibur?
  • What’s the full second dibur in hebrew?
  • What's the english explanation of the second dibur?
  • In dibur 2 who does rashi explain hates Hashem?
  • How can we apply the second dibur to our life?
  • Where does the אבן עזרא say we cant believe in other gods? *In you heart your mouth or your thoughts* In your hands* only in your mouth*only in your head
  • What is the third dibur in hebrew? ,לא יהיה לך אלוהים אחרים על פני*אנוכי ה*לָא תֵימֵי יָת שְׁמָא דַה'*לא תשא את שם ה' אלקיך לשוא*
  • What are the 2 words that אונקלוס uses to help us understand the word לשוא?
  • What are one of the examples that the ספר החינוך says you cant swear about?
  • What is the english translation of the third dibur?
  • How can we apply the third dibur to our lives today? Be careful and mindful of saying Hashem's name and don't say oh my god* Remember Hashem is awesome*Remember Hashem is humble* Don't kill