L-għaxar Kmandamenti (The Ten Commandments)
Maltese Language: L-għaxar Kmandamenti jibnuna għax jiggwidawna kif għandna nħobbu lil Alla u lil xulxin. Ara tafhomx waħda waħda billi tikteb il-kelma t-tajba f'din it-tisliba. English translation: The Ten Commandments build us up because they guide us in how we should love God and one another. See if you know them one by one by writing the right word in this crossword puzzle.
Legal Terminology
Basic Legal Terminology
Five Major World Religion's Quiz
Review: Five major world religions quiz
Human Growth and Development Crossword Review
Review of the Human Growth and Development unit
Expert Commandments & Beatitudes
How well do you know the Commandments and Beatitudes?
Classical Chinese Philosophy
What do you know about Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism?
Shorashim Match: Hebrew & English
Perek 23
7RE - Sacred Scriptures Review
This quiz is designed to test your understanding of the Unit - Sacred Scriptures.
BAB 3: LOGIK DAN FALSAFAH (Logic & Philosophy)
Pelajar IPTA/IPTS yang mengambil subjek Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
Pestalocijev Milioner (Pestaloci in Croatian)
Volite igrice? U karantinu ste? Dosadno vam je? A znate nešto o Pestalociju? Onda je ovo kviz za vas!