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Occupational Accident Investigation - Terms/Definitions

| See more in Industrial Automation

This Tic-Tac-Toe game will review basic terms and definitions associated with Accident Investigations.

Created Date 02.08.19
Last Updated 02.11.19
Viewed 19 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The occurrence in a sequence of events that produces unintended injury, death or property damage.
  • An occurrence in a sequence of events that had the potential to produce injury, death or property damage, but did not.
  • Events or circumstances that produced the accident
  • The follow-up actions taken to prevent recurrence of the accident.
  • The purpose of an accident investigation is to ask questions, interview, analyze, probe and discover what happened.
  • The primary goal of an accident investigation is to determine corrective actions so that future accidents are prevented.
  • An accident is an opportunity to find and fix problems with the safety program.
  • Accident investigations are also conducted to comply with regulatory (OSHA) requirements.
  • A fatal injury will require a higher level of investigation to include an investigation team and notifying OSHA.
  • All "near misses" must be investigated and reported to OSHA within 24 hours.