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Annual Financials for Grade 10 Accounting

| See more in Statistics & Probability

A game which reinforces the concepts of the income statement and balance sheet

Created Date 09.06.16
Last Updated 09.06.16
Viewed 204 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The capital account is show in which note?
  • What does the "Trade and other receivables" note show?
  • Where is your left over packing material shown at the end of the year?
  • What amount is shown under Trading Stock in your Inventories note?
  • Where is drawings shown in the financial statements?
  • What is a liability?
  • Where does your cash float go?
  • Which section of your balance sheet does "fixed deposit" reflect in?
  • Which GL account do we close off debtors allowances to?
  • What amount is shown as Retained income in the Owner's equity note?
  • Gross profit is ...
  • What is in the accounts receivable note?
  • Cash float is shown in which note?
  • The carrying value of an asset is...
  • The interest which the bank charges on a loan is shown as...
  • Rent income which was paid to us in advance must be debit in income statement and...
  • Fee income goes into ..
  • Stationery is a ___ account
  • 10% Depreciation worked out by the diminishing balance method is ....
  • Movement in the fixed assets note is made up of.....
  • The income statement shows...
  • Depreciation is a ...
  • Discount received is ...
  • Cash and cash equivalents are made up of....
  • Prepaid expenses are ....
  • If you are writing off a bad debt, the journal is
  • When you receive money from a debtor who was already written off....
  • Trade and other payables are...
  • Creditors control, accrued expenses, income received in advance are all examples of...
  • The balance sheet balances when...
  • Cost of equipment R10 000, accumulated depreciation R2 000. What is the carrying value?
  • Interest on fixed deposit is capitalised when it is ...
  • Debtors allowances are made up of ...
  • Expenses increase on the
  • Incomes increase on the
  • Assets increase on the
  • Liabilities increase on the ..
  • Adjustments are done in...
  • A loss for the year would have this effect
  • Choose the correct order: COS stands for Cost of Sales.
  • How must you approach accounting?
  • Which figure from the fixed assets note gets taken across to the balance sheet?