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True or False: The Fox River clean up is the largest cleanup project of PCBs in the United States
Between 1954 and 1971, paper companies making carbonless copy paper discharged nearly ________ Pounds of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into the Fox River.
The clean-up involves removing sediment from the riverbed and moving it to the shoreline
PCBs were banned in the U.S. in what year?
True or False: Crews are conducting dredging activities 24 hours a day, five days a week
True or False: Several workers have been injured in the clean-up process
When did the Fox River cleanup project officially start?
How many miles is the dredging, capping, and covering?
The dredged sediment is sent to a processing facility in______________.
Capping and covering involves adding a cover above PCB containing sediment by placing _______________ on the river bottom.
True or False: Seasonal operations for the Fox River clean up start in late March
The Fox River Clean up is estimated to cost how much?