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Atmosphere Practice - Layers and Systems

| See more in Earth Science

This reviews the layers of the atmosphere and Earth's 5 systems

Created Date 12.07.21
Last Updated 12.07.21
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What layer of the atmosphere do we live in?
  • What layer of the atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet radiation?
  • What layer of the atmosphere destroys meteors?
  • What layer of the atmosphere absorbs x-rays and gamma rays?
  • What layer of the atmosphere allows gas molecules to escape?
  • What layer of the atmosphere is where weather occurs?
  • What layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
  • Which 2 systems interact together: A fish swims in the water
  • Which 2 systems interact together: Below the ocean is a sandy floor
  • Which 2 systems interact together: The water in a lake evaporates to form clouds
  • Which system is NOT included in the following interaction: Snow falls from the clouds onto the mountains below, so people can ski.
  • Which system is NOT included in this interaction: The bird flies high in the air before landing on the ground to get a drink of water.