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Rocks and Minerals

| See more in Earth Science

SOL Review

Created Date 04.30.19
Last Updated 05.01.19
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is an element?
  • Mineral identification by color
  • Highly prized minerals because they are rare and beautiful.
  • An Ore that is used to make powder
  • Fool's gold; mineral that can strike fire
  • Is molten material from a volcano or from deep inside the earth which cools and hardens
  • (Volcanic) is formed on Earth's surface when molten rock flows out of the earth (lava) and cools quickly at the surface to form fine crystals.
  • Comprises most of the oceanic crust.
  • Extrusive Igneous Rock - A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by r
  • (Plutonic) is formed in the Earth when molten rock flows upward into the more solid part of the crust. Rocks have a coarse - grain.
  • Comprises the majority of the continental crust.
  • can form from particles of rock, from remains of plants or animals, or from chemical reactions
  • the process by which sediments are pressed together under their own weight
  • The process in which minerals precipitate into pore spaces between sediment grains and bind sediments together to form rock.
  • A sedimentary rock formed by cementing grains of sand over time.
  • mineral of fossilized carbon
  • forms from other rocks by heat and pressure
  • have mineral grains that change, grow and rearrange but don't form parallel layers
  • shows how the earth's rocks are changed again and again. The rocks can be changed at times to another type of rock.
  • molten rock under the surface
  • molten rock that reaches the surface
  • is the process that breaks rocks into smaller pieces called sediments
  • is the movement of weathered materials to new locations, where they are then deposited.
  • is the laying down of rock forming material from any natural process
  • are small pieces of loose materials such as rock fragments, mineral grains, and bits of plant and animal remains.
  • Which is not a characteristic of a mineral?
  • the way light is reflected off the mineral
  • the ability to resist being scratched.
  • breaks along flat, smooth plane
  • (how much water is displaced)…
  • Most common elements in earth's crust.
  • can be replaced by nature at a rate close to the rate at which they are used.
  • are renewed very slowly or not at all.