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Advanced A&P Thermogenesis

| See more in Health Science

A game to learn the physiology of thermogenesis

Created Date 11.22.19
Last Updated 11.22.19
Viewed 44 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • dark-colored adipose tissue with many blood vessels, involved in the rapid production of heat in hibernating animals and human babies.
  • light-colored fat that absorbs heat for insulation of the body
  • a form of heat generation that involves muscle contractions and increases oxygen and energy consumption.
  • a form of heat that involves hormones such as TRH, TSH, thyroxine and develops over days or weeks
  • Is activated when temp rises above set point
  • Is activated when temp lowers below set point and prevents hypothermia
  • occurs with peripheral vasodilation sending warm blood to the skin surface and sweat glands stimulation
  • occurs when the Sympathetic NS decreases blood flow to dermis to divert blood to deep veins
  • a form of heat exchange where objects warmer than the environment lose heat.
  • a form of heat exchange where heat loss as air moves across the body surface
  • a form of heat loss that involves both insensible and sensible perspiration
  • a form of heat loss from direct transfer of heat between objects such as using ice packs for an inflamed ankle
  • Energy produced from breaking bonds is captured by cells as ATP or released as heat
  • Can't be seen or measured; an example is respiratory loss of water vapors
  • Can be seen or measured; an example is sweat or urine