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Conditions of the Human Ear

| See more in Health Science

Have U "Herd" about these conditions of the Human Ear? Build your own band from a herd of mutant cows while reviewing conditions of the ear! Loss of hearing happens slowly and can go unnoticed. If you have trouble hearing on the phone, hearing birds, or work in a loud noisy environment. Get your hearing checked.

Created Date 03.20.15
Last Updated 03.20.15
Viewed 1245 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Inflammation or infection of the middle ear.
  • Infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear.
  • Inflammation or infection of the outer ear.
  • A condition where one inner ear isn't functioning correctly.
  • Ringing in one or both ears because of exposure to loud noise or due to old age.
  • Earwax blocks the ear canal reducing sound vibrations and impairs hearing.
  • A growth on the nerve between the ear and brain.
  • A pain in the ear that can have numerous causes.
  • Eustachian Tube Dysfunction can have the following symptoms
Ask a Question
Asked by dlcarlso on 1/5/2018 10:34:08 AM Votes 0.00 Thumps Up Thumps Down

What is tinnitus?

  • Tinnitus often occurs after permanent nerve damage or hearing loss and is usually described as "ringing in the ears" but it can also be described as buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing, and clicking.

    Answered by Tom Thiel on 1/8/2018 7:59:52 AM 0.00 Thumps Up Thumps Down