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Motion - Charles

| See more in Physics

This game is 20 questions about Chapter 11/12 motion. use the arrow keys to move the snake to the correct answer.

Created Date 09.21.20
Last Updated 09.21.20
Viewed 9 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is necessary to accurately and completely describe motion?
  • What is movement in relation to the frame of reference?
  • What is distance?
  • The SI unit for measuring distance?
  • What does one kilometer equal?
  • One centimeters equals?
  • What is measured from the starting to ending point in a straight line.
  • A quantity with magnitude and direction?
  • What are used to represent vectors on a graph?
  • What it it called when you combine vector magnitudes and directions
  • What is the SI unit for speed?
  • The __ the slope the higher the speed.
  • What is the change in distance divided by the change in time on graphs?
  • What is velocity?
  • What does velocity describe?
  • What can cause a change in velocity?
  • What causes acceleration?
  • Acceleration is a vector.
  • The movement of an object toward earth solely because of gravity.
  • Unit for acceleration?