4th 9 Weeks CBA Jeopardy Review
6th ScienceTEK 6.12 / 6.6 / 6.7
Este jogo tem como finalidade de testar alunos do ensino medio do Terceiro ano sobre seus conhecimentos sobre o capitulo estudado em sala de aula sobre Eletrodinâmica.
Áp suất khí (Gas Pressure)
Áp suất khí
Candycrush - EMF (Electricity)
Answer correct answers to get more moves & score
Chemical Reactions Term matching
Review of key terms focusing on reactions
Color Schemes
This game will review primary, secondary, warm and cool color schemes.
End of Year Game - Physics
Guess stuff and win the game
Energy is simply defined as the ability to do work. Energy can be found in many things and can take different forms.
Energy and Forces Ultimate Jeopardy
This jeopardy game is designed to test your knowledge of the Energy and Forces Physics Units. Pick your category/ point level and try to answer the questions to win.
Experimental Variables
Students will determine the independent, dependent, and control of an experiment.