End of Year Game - Physics
Guess stuff and win the game
Yakıtlar (Fuels)
Isı Yayılma Yolları (Heat Dissipation Paths)
Isı Yayılma Yolları
Este jogo tem como finalidade de testar alunos do ensino medio do Terceiro ano sobre seus conhecimentos sobre o capitulo estudado em sala de aula sobre Eletrodinâmica.
Nuclear Physics Million Dollar Show
Tekan butang buzzer jika peserta ingin menjawab soalan. Menjawab soalan dengan betul akan mendapat tambahan markah manakala menjawab dengan salah akan ditolak markah. Setiap peserta bersaing untuk menjawab dan mendapat markah tertinggi untuk memenangi satu juta ringgit!
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Vocabulary
Review vocabulary related to balanced and unbalanced forces.
Squid Game - Rotation
Squidhunter is a single player multiple choice question/answer game. The player uses the directional arrows to control the pirate and the spacebar to fire harpoons at the enemy squids. Collect treasure by killing squids and answering correctly. Wrong answers will lower the player's score.
Physical Science: Grade 5
Review of physical science concepts for Grade 5, based on Florida's Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Physics - Jeopardy
Practice your vocabulary and converting temperatures.
Fluid Forces Review Game
Play this game to review the material for your fluid forces quiz.