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TRIVIATRON - Reproductive System

| See more in Biology

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Created Date 11.11.22
Last Updated 11.14.22
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A hormone that stimulates the development of secondary male sex characteristics
  • A hormone that stimulates the development of secondary female sex characteristics
  • The first menstrual period
  • stage when the second sex characteristics develop in both males and females
  • is a sac of skin that covers and protects the testes
  • The semen from the seminal vesicle is stored or the urine from the urinary bladder exits the body
  • Also called uterine tubes or oviducts
  • It is also known as the womb
  • The process if the egg is not fertilized, the female body sheds and flushes the extra blood and tissues from the inner lining of the uterus out of the body.
  • PMS stands for