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Muscle Functions

| See more in Biology

You have match the names with is right definition.

Created Date 11.30.22
Last Updated 12.02.22
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Closes eye as in blinking
  • Closes lips, protrudes lips as for kissing
  • Compresses cheeks inward as when blowing air
  • Raises corner of mouth as when smiling
  • Elevates mandible
  • Pulls scapula forward and downward or raises ribs
  • Retracts elevates and rotates scapula
  • Flexes, adducts, and rotates arm medially
  • Rotates arm laterally
  • Extends, adducts and rotates arm medially
  • Flexes forearm at elbow
  • Flexion and supination of the forearm at the elbow joint, weak flexor of the arm at the glenohumeral
  • Flexes forearm elbow
  • Shoulder joint: extension and adduction of the arm (long head)
  • Rotates forearm medially
  • Tenses abdominal wall
  • Flexes the thigh
  • Extends thigh at hip
  • Medial surface of femur
  • Plantar flexion of foot and flexion of leg at the knee