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Rapid Fire - Biology Ch 4 Vocabulary

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Practice all your Ch 4 vocabulary

Created Date 11.08.19
Last Updated 11.11.19
Viewed 23 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The addition of phosphate group onto a molecule.
  • The pathway of aerobic respiration in which the energy released when electrons move down the electron transport chain is used to produce ATP.
  • An organism that must acquire energy by consuming other organisms.
  • The interconnected disk-shaped pouches in chloroplast.
  • An organism that is able to capture energy from the environment and store it in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.
  • The process of breaking down glucose to yield a maximum amount of ATP that takes place in the presence of oxygen.
  • The breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen yielding minimal ATP.
  • A type of anaerobic respiration that only produces a small amount of ATP but regenerates NAD+.
  • The energy-carrier molecule.
  • The phase of photosynthesis in which sunlight is converted to chemical energy and oxygen is released.
  • A series of eight reactions that further breaks down the end product of glycolysis (acetyl CoA) to carbon dioxide.
  • The electron carrier molecule.
  • The series of steps during the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis in which a three-carbon sugar is formed.
  • The first series of steps in aerobic and anaerobic respiration in which glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate and there is a n
  • The energy-carrier molecule used to power cellular processes; stores energy in the chemical bonds between its three phosphate groups.
  • The fluid interior of chloroplast.
  • The energy-carrier molecule used to power cellular processes; stores energy in the chemical bonds between its two phosphate groups.
  • The phase of photosynthesis in which a three-carbon sugar is formed.
  • The phase of light-dependent reaction in which sunlight energy excites electrons and an enzyme splits water into hydrogen ions, oxygen ...
  • The chemical reaction that captures energy from environmental chemicals and stores it in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.
  • The use of energy like that of a hydrogen ion gradient to perform work.
  • A type of fermentation in which ethanol and carbon dioxide are produced.
  • A series of molecules within the thylakoid that moves energized electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I.
  • The phase of light-dependent reaction in which the energy carrier NADP+ is reduced to NADPH.
  • The chemical reaction used by living cells to release energy from organic molecules.
  • A group of thylakoids.
  • The direct transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP that produces ATP.
  • The chemical reaction that captures energy from sunlight and stores it in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.
  • The type of fermentation in which lactic acid is produced.