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A society of people from different cultures and races that merge into a homogeneous society
Inequity is...
Empathy is the ability to identify, appreciate and understand another’s situation or feelings. True or False
A group of people of a different race from the main group of a country is.....
A person without papers who gets protection from another country because they are persecuted in their own country is....
A word to describe society of people from different cultures and races where all the cultures are respected is
Everyone getting the same treatment is..
Dividing resources according to what people need to be successful is......
Embracing and celebrating the strengths of our diversity and ensuring everyone feels welcomed and valued for who they are is called.....
A prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex is called...
The unique differences among individuals in a group based on which we may be treated differently in society is....
Unearned access to resources (power) that are only readily available to some people because of their social group membership; an advantage, or immunity is
Costumes and traditions that are passed from one generation to another is called...
The attitude of accepting different ways of thinking, being or living is called