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Unit 1: Intro to Economics

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The review will cover the concepts of scarcity & choice, along with how that leads to different economic systems, and their characteristics.

Created Date 07.21.20
Last Updated 07.21.20
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of the following could leads to a shortage of lumber?
  • Which of the following best illustrates the use of (physical) capital goods?
  • Which of the following is an example of an entrepreneur?
  • In economic terms, what does opportunity cost refer to?
  • When an economy is operating at the production possibility curve/frontier...
  • Which of the following scenarios would result in underutilization in an economy?
  • Which of the following scenarios would cause growth (out/rightward shift of PPC) in an economy?
  • In an economy that only produces skateboards and bicycles, what would be the opportunity cost of producing more skateboards?
  • Which example is NOT a key economic question faced by countries?
  • What are the key points of Adam Smith's market theory of the "invisible hand"?
  • Which is the best characteristic of the U.S. free-enterprise system?
  • The _____ for students to have three or less absences per semester is the ability to exempt their final exam, if they have a B average.
  • Sadie works at Sonic and earns a paycheck every other Friday. In which market of the circular flow model does this exchange occur?
  • Sid buys a sweater at Macy's and wears it to school on Monday. In which market of the circular flow model does this exchange occur?
  • Societies embrace various economic systems to deal with the fundamental problem of _____.
  • Which of the following would happen only in a command/communist economy?
  • Which characteristic of a mixed/socialist economy makes it different from a command economy?
  • Natural gas, gold, and diamonds are all examples of _____.
  • Economics is the study of...
  • Whether a supermarket, flea market, or some other type, markets allow us to...
  • Which of the following is a synonym for the U.S. Economic System: Free-enterprise, Free Market, and _____?
  • Comparison shopping for a new headphones at Wal-Mart, Target, and Amazon is only possible in which type of economic system?
  • The main incentive problem in command/communist countries is due to the fact that -
  • Nationalization of key industries, government ownership of major factor inputs, and democratically redistributing wealth all describe which of the following pairs?
  • The role of the government in the American free-enterprise systems is to -