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Reconstruction Vocabulary - Chakalaka

| See more in Political Science

Learn and review the most important terms relating to the reconstruction of the South.

Created Date 05.10.24
Last Updated 05.10.24
Viewed 0 Times
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  • A way to allow the southern states rejoin the U.S by allowing them readmitted if 10% of their voters supported the Union. When these states came back they had to make slavery illegal.
  • The next plan to allow southern states back into the Union after Lincoln couldn't implement his. This plan was disagreed with by congress.
  • A way to punish the south instead of being gentle and forgiving and allowing them an easy way back into the Union.
  • Laws passed by southern states trying to keep black people from going to school, voting, having jobs, and owning land.
  • Segregation laws named after a song from 1832.
  • A fee that had to be paid in order to vote added to keep black people from voting.
  • The act of dividing people by their skin colors to keep them apart.
  • A test you had to pass before voting created to keep black people from voting.
  • Implemented by the army, these five ________ _________ split up the south.
  • The rebuilding of the south after the Civil War was called the ____________.
  • The amendment outlawed slavery.
  • This amendment made all U.S citizens equal and protected by law.
  • This amendment allowed men of every race to vote.