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Unit 02 Biological Perspective Overview - Rapid Fire

| See more in Psychology

Understanding biological perspectives and foundations in psychology.

Created Date 07.17.18
Last Updated 07.17.18
Viewed 36 Times
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  • A specialized cell that makes up the nervous system that receives and sends messages within that system is called a ________.
  • The function of the neuron’s axon is to ________.
  • The charge that a neuron at rest maintains is due to the presence of a high number of _________ charged ions inside the neuron’s membrane.
  • During action potential, the electrical charge inside the neuron is ________ the electrical charge outside the neuron.
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  • Endorphins are ________.
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  • Voluntary muscles are controlled by the ________ nervous system.
  • The sex glands, which secrete hormones that regulate sexual development and behavior as well as reproduction, are called _________.
  • ______________ takes advantage of the magnetic properties of different atoms to take sharp,3-D images of the brain.
  • The ________ is a structure in the brain stem that plays a role in sleep, dreaming, left-right body coordination, and arousal.
  • A group of brain structures located in the inner margin of the upper brain and is involved in learning, emotion, memory and motivation.
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  • If you have a problem remembering things that happened a year ago, doctors might check for damage to the area of the brain called the _______.
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