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Dealing With Bullies

| See more in Sociology

In an effort to reduce instances of bullying in elementary schools, this game teaches children what to do when they are being bullied and how to handle a situation in which someone else is being bullied.

Created Date 11.25.19
Last Updated 11.26.19
Viewed 26 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Bullying includes all of the following: punching, teasing, threatening, stealing from and insulting another person.
  • Gossiping and spreading rumors about someone is also bullying
  • If you see a bully pulling someone's hair and calling them names, you should
  • If someone pushes me on purpose and laughs when I fall, I should
  • It is okay to bully another person if other people are doing it too.
  • If I hear a rumor about someone that I know is not true, I should
  • Bullying is a real problem and it can happen to anyone, including you.
  • If my bully slaps/punches/kicks me, I should
  • Insulting someone online (on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) is a form of bullying and should be punished.
  • If you know someone is being excluded, you should
  • If you are being bullied, it is entirely your fault.
  • Everyone has the right to live in a safe and violence free atmosphere both at home and at school.
  • Cyberbullying includes:
  • If you are afraid of your bully avoid places where your bully hangs out, or take a different route to school. If the bully doesn’t see you, they can’t bully you.
  • It may seem scary to tell someone but, telling will not only get you help, it will make you feel less afraid. If you are being physically bullied and are in danger you must speak with a trusted adult immediately. And if you can’t go to your parents, seek out a trusted teacher guidance counselor or school psychologist. If you've told a grown-up before and they haven't done anything about it, you should
  • Most adults really care about helping to stop bullying and will do everything they can to help you.
  • The bully wants you to react. Their goal is to take away your power, make you sad and scared. And if you show them you are not sad and scared, they will often lose interest and they cannot take away your power. Bullies want to upset you constantly so you get angry. If you don’t get angry, the bully will lose their own power.
  • Bullies are human too. Even though they are bullying you, you should not bully them back.
  • If others are posting mean/hurtful or false things about you online, you should
  • There is safety in numbers. Surrounding yourself with close friends will discourage a bully from approaching you.
  • Bullying affects each person in different ways. Common feelings include: - shame that this is happening to you - hopeless and stuck and can't get out of the situation - like it is your fault - alone, like there is no one to help you - like you don't fit in with the cool group - depressed and rejected by your friends and other groups of people - unsafe and afraid - confused about why this is happening to you
  • Bullying can happen anywhere. It can even happen in your family.
  • Why should you seek help from an adult when you are being bullied?
  • What is a bully?
  • What is an ally?
  • Some bullies are looking for attention. They might think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want. Most bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important. When they pick on someone else, it can make them feel big and powerful.
  • Bullies can change their behavior for the better with help from family, friends, and other supportive adults.
  • Being bullied at school makes someone less likely to stay home with a fake illness and avoid coming to school.
  • An adult can give comfort, support, and advice, even if they can’t solve the problem directly, so you should always tell an adult if you are being bullied.
  • Adults cannot bully a kid or someone younger than they are. Adults are never the bully.