Landscape Design: Tree ID
Landscape Design Tree ID Review
Hang The Moon: Terminologia Clássica Francesa
Encontre o termo em francês para a descrição. (Find the french term corresponding to the Portuguese description)
CEAD - Career Education and Development
CIE Information for Fox Valley Technical College
Jogo De Terminologia 1: Bimestre 2 - Métiers
Responda conforme solicitado de acordo com a apostila Métiers da gastronomia francesa
Servsafe Chapter 9
Chapter 9 of Servsafe Manager
AG Hangmoon
Guess the right letter or the moon falls out of the sky.
Knowledge Types and Sources
Identify the types and sources of knowledge, and the common terms associated with them
Floral Review
Complete the jeopardy game - can be played on a computer or phone
Baking Ingredient Functions
What does each ingredient do for a baked product.
Social Skills 3B
General Employability Skills