Famous Paintings in Art History
Learn the names, artists, and dates of some of the most influential paintings of all time.
Beginning ESL Review
A brief review of subject-verb agreement, articles, family members and occupations.
This is a game about Fortnite
Print Technology Education
Various terms and process in Printing Technology.
Country Music Crossword
Follow the clues and name each country singer. Enjoy! :)
Who's that Disney Princess?
Guess the name of the Disney Princesses, their villains are the clues given. Put your answer on the crossword puzzle respectively: across or down in a specific number
Old Fashioned Flashcards
Old Fashioned Flashcards Is Where You Try To Guess If You Can Guess What Is Behind The Cards That Are Shown, Example, If You Pick Milk And It Says 'Coke', You Lost The Round, If It Was The Same, You Win The Round.
Use Your Words- Superheroes
Are you ready to solve a mission and fight alongside powerful superheroes?
Game Acronyms
How well do you know these Gaming Acronyms?
Minecraft Ores and building blocks
Know your Minecraft blocks!