Decimal and Fraction Equivalent Review
In this learning activity, you'll practice converting between common decimal and fraction equivalents in US standard units.
This is my body
Let's name the parts of the body and have fun together.
Matching Elements of the Classroom: Learner Agency
Study and play this flashcard game to learn about learner agency
TrainME: Employee and Training Development
Put these employee and training development.steps in the correct sequence!
Modals Review 1: Must / Can / Have to & Negatives
Select the modal that gives the same meaning of the sentence.
How Much Do You Know About Mario
Learner to Content Relationships
Use these flashcards to refresh your knowledge of how to build learner to content relationships.
Be In The Know: STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
STI Health Project
Easy Trivia
easy trivia
Lit Terms
The definition of each vocabulary word will be given and the snake must be guided to the correct term.