Cooling System Troubleshooting
Have some fun, test your troubleshooting skills on cooling systems.
Welding: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
You'll identify the proper personal protective equipment used while welding.
Ohm's Law
You'll demonstrate the use of Ohm's Law to solve series DC circuit values.
Measurement: What Is Precision?
You'll be able to identify the precision of an approximate number in measurement.
Reading a Decimal Steel Rule
You'll learn to read a decimal steel rule.
Screw Threads and Fasteners
You'll practice identifying parts of screw threads and fasteners on a series of drawings.
Basic Welding Symbols - Set 2
You'll practice identifying and interpreting welding symbols.
Fillet Welding Symbols 1
You'll identify information communicated by a fillet welding symbol.
Basic Welding Symbols - Set 1
You'll identify and interpret welding symbols.
GMAW Power Supply & Wire Feeder
You'll identify the basic parts of a GMAW power source and wire feeder. The Miller Electric Mfg. Co. information included in this learning activity is reproduced with the permission of Miller Electric Mfg. Co., © Miller Electric Mfg. Co., All Rights Reserved.