Common Web Acronyms
You'll be introduced to some of the Web acronyms commonly used in Web design.
Latihan Peranti Output (Output Device Training)
Alat yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan maklumat kepada pengguna dalam bentuk paparan, unjuran, cetakan dan audio
Microsoft Publisher Home Tab Terms
A game to test your basic knowledge.
Social Media
what is social media?
Play a game of baseball to learn about the transformational technology known as mobile learning.
Baseball Online LIteracy
Go get a home run
Gamification in the Classroom
Benefits of Gamification
Cyberbullying Multiple Choice Quiz
Complete this multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge based on the resources and videos provided!
Digital Citizenship Chakalaka
This game will quiz you on your knowledge of digital citizenship!!
Bootstrap 1 vocabulary 1 baseball
practice game