Digital Design Components
Design terms for digital design
Latihan Peranti Output (Output Device Training)
Alat yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan maklumat kepada pengguna dalam bentuk paparan, unjuran, cetakan dan audio
Accessibility Terminology Crossword
Review the glossary to complete this puzzle with the correct answers.
Chapter 2 - Project Methodologies & Processes
This true or false & multiple choice quizzes contains all kinds of information for you to decide whether they are correct or not. After you make your decision you can see the correct answer. You can have great fun and learn a lot of knowledge during the play of this game!
eTwinning Etkinliği
Teknoloji kullanımı modülüne yönelik sorular
Multimedia Utilization
A take on the multimedia project from Information and Communications Technology.
Terms of IDT
Guess the term based upon the description given
World of Internet
Find correct option
Emerging Technologies
Module 3