Common Security Acronyms 2
Test your knowledge of acronyms related to IT security.
Windows Installation Methods
This will allow you to verify your understanding of some of the key terms and concepts with Windows installation methods.
Spin the ERD Wheel of Destiny!
How many points can you amass by answering questions on this database design tool.
VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Time Out Game
A short game to test your knowledge about VTP.
Understanding Netiquette
Netiquette Basics
UNDP ZW QUIZ : Data Concepts
A timed quiz to check how much you know about data concepts and other bits of the internet you encounter on a daily basis. Hint: Watching the shared videos will help.
Game and App Lab Unit 3: Programming Basics
Programming Basics
Computing Basics: Components
Find computer components
Uses of a Computer
Guess the correct use of a computer.
Struktur Kawalan
ASK tingkatan 2