Beginning Academic Vocabulary
Introduction to academic vocabulary for ELLs, especially the verbs used on standardized tests
Literary Vocabulary Bingo: Figures of Speech
Define literature words
Bingo: Mi estuche
I can identify the objects in my pencil cace and backpack in Spanish.
Jeopardy: Mi estuche
Identify the contents of your backpack or pencil case in Spanish.
Basic Poetry Bingo
Basic poetry vocabulary
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 2: Fruits & Legumes
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Fruits Légumes, responda:
Performance Standards
The questions in this game will test your comprehension of performance standards. Good Luck!
Approaches and Methods in ELT Jeopardy
Revise different approaches and methods in ELT as well as associated materials and techniques.
Unit 5 Phonology Connected Speech: Time Out
Test your knowledge of the features of connected speech in the context of islands and bays!
Beginning ESL Review
A brief review of subject-verb agreement, articles, family members and occupations.