Name That President!
Test your knowledge of U.S. Presidents. Answer the questions before you run out of time!
Bingo! Show Us What You Know about the U.S.A.!
A game to help our ELLs learn more about the United States and Wisconsin!
Academic Vocabulary 2
Words commonly used in academic settings
The Bill of Rights
You'll learn more about the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Mythology Midterm
Mythology Review Game
World War 1 and 1920's era
Review of WW1 and 1920's era.
Famous in Medicine
You'll identify historical figures in the field of medicine.
Race against the clock to answer multiple-choice questions.
Celts and Iberians
Multiple answers appear as moving targets, which you must “shoot.”
History of the English Colonies
Review the history of the founding of the English colonies