Phrasal Verbs Quiz
Practice the most common phrasal verbs and have a great time
Great Britain
Choose the right answer. You can find questions about geography, history, literature of this country,
Unit 4 Discourse and Skills Bingo
Test your knowledge of Discourse and Skills terminology.
Latin Grammar Question and Answer Quiz - Part B
Answer the Latin Grammar questions.
Animal Spelling Game
See if you can find the correct spellings for these animals, birds, and insects!
Win this game by recalling and answering correctly the figures of speech you have learned: simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole. Do your best!
Perfekt (Past Participles)
Identify the past participle
"Shoe" / Stem-Changing Verbs in Español
Practicing "shoe" ie. stem-changing verbs in Spanish
Japanese Language Review
Japanese language review
Lord of the Flies Review - Chapters 5-8
Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Time to get your review on!