Figurative Language Review
This game reviews similes, metaphors, alliteration, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and personification.
Week 2 Vocabulary: Nouns
Given the definition, spell the correct vocabulary word that matches.
Story Elements Hangmoon
Vocabulary used when discussing fiction
Hang About the Story-line
Learn about story-line elements in this game of hangmoon!
All about poetry!!
Week 1 Vocabulary: Adjectives
Given the definition, you will complete the hangman puzzle by spelling the word correctly.
Week 3 Vocabulary: Verbs
use the definitions to solve for the vocabulary word
Beginning ESL Review
A brief review of subject-verb agreement, articles, family members and occupations.
Literary Vocabulary Jeopardy by Tyler Hassell
Testing your vocab skills in english
Hatchet Hangmoon
As you solve the puzzles, take note of the first letter of each word. Then, rearrange the letters to discover the secret code word you will use to move up to the next level.