American Literature Review
American Literature Review: The Devil and Tom Walker, The Story of an Hour, The Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Introduction to Genres
"Number The Stars" Chapter 3
Sequence the events in Chapter 3 of "Number The Stars" by American author Lois Lowry
NCFE Rapid Fire: Literary Review
Literary Review. Study!
Word Recognition: Odd Word Out
One word is different from the other two. Can you tell which word it is?
Matching Literature Vocabulary Words List 2
Choose the correct definition for each term. Review of vocabulary list 2
Matching Definitions for Vocabulary
CS English 8
P&P- Events From The Pit and the Pendulum
Poe's The Pit and the Pendulum- put the story events in sequence
Sequence "Ranger in Time : Rescue on the Oregon Trail"
Put the events of Chapter 7 from the book "Ranger in Time : Rescue on the Oregon Trail" by Kate Messner and Kelley McMorris in correct order.
King Midas
Questions about the story of king Midas.