3rd grade students review phonological elements and basic figurative language.
Writing: About the Story-Line
Tests you over literary terms about the story line.
Matching Types of Characters
Types of characters in a story. Match them with their definition.
Literary Devices Part 1
Names and definition practice for literary devices
Literary Devices Part 2
Second game to Literary Devices Part 2
Language Arts Review
Language Arts Review game. Grade 2.
იავნანამ რა ჰქმნა?! (Review: What is Lavanaa)
გაიხსენე მოთხრობა, სწორად უპასუხე კითხვებს და შექმენი შენი მუსიკალური ბენდი
Deep, Deeper, Deepest: Analyzing the Elaboration Statement
Choose the best elaboration statement!
Musical Sentences
What part of the sentence is missing? What punctuation mark is needed?
Theme, Main Idea, Plot...oh my!
Vocabulary matching game