Hunger Games Characters
The characters from Chapters 1-7 of The Hunger Games
Fnaf Fans
Are you a fnaf know-it-all? Find out in Fnaf Fans.
Ukulele Chord Fret Numbers
The ukulele has four strings. Memorize the fret numbers you need to press and learn the code to play the ukulele.
Quote Matching Game: Much Ado About Nothing
WHO SAID IT? Quotes from Much Ado About Nothing
by William Shakespeare
Miss Martin's Romeo and Juliet Quiz 1
A quick and simple quiz to test your knowledge on Shakespeare's and Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet.
Miss Martin's Romeo and Juliet Trivia
A quick and fun game of jeopardy! Test your knowledge of Romeo and Juliet against your peers!
Creative Chakalaka Review Game
Test your knowledge of the concepts we have learned the second half of this semester in EDEL3015!
Acting Terminolgy
This game will teach you useful acting terms, since the acting industry runs on them.
Let's make a quick review about certain elements that you learned about how to write comparison and contrast essays.
Fasteners Game
Students will answer questions based on Fasteners