L-għaxar Kmandamenti (The Ten Commandments)
Maltese Language: L-għaxar Kmandamenti jibnuna għax jiggwidawna kif għandna nħobbu lil Alla u lil xulxin. Ara tafhomx waħda waħda billi tikteb il-kelma t-tajba f'din it-tisliba. English translation: The Ten Commandments build us up because they guide us in how we should love God and one another. See if you know them one by one by writing the right word in this crossword puzzle.
Human Growth and Development Crossword Review
Review of the Human Growth and Development unit
Spanish Verbs Crossword
Verbs. Something that you do
Philosophy of Self
a crossword game of philosophy terms
The Six Pillars of Character Review Game
The Six Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
2 Nephi 6-8
Words from 2 Nephi 6-8
Major World Religions Quiz
Review questions' game: The five major world religions quiz
Chumash Game: Dibrot (Hebrew)
Learn about dibrot.
Health 2020 - Amber Johanek
This is a review of everything we have learned about throughout the term in Health. Answer the question correctly, and you get a hit, however, if you get it wrong, it is an out. Topics: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Drug Use While Pregnant; Eating Disorders; Coping with Loss & Grief; Anxiety; Depression; Developing Your Self-Esteem; Family Relationships; Friendships
Basics of Religion Baseball
Review key concepts from chapter 1 of Paths to the Divine