Art History Timeline Review
This game is to review information found in the Art Historical Timeline
Art History 2 Art Movements
Order these Art History 2 Art Movements chronologically from earliest to more recent. When finished be able to tell the historical and aesthetic story that caused the development of each art movement to the next. This game will display 9 movements at a time.
Balance in Fashion - Group 8
A game to test your knowledge about balance in fashion.
Elements & Principles Review
Reviewing Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Routines Hangman
Let’s play a game! :]
STOMPI - Afrikaans/English
The Pinch Pot
Test your knowledge based on today's lesson!
Braiding & Hair Extensions Chapter 18 Milady 2016 Part 3
Braiding and Hair Extensions
Like Hangman but with a Art twist, I will give you a clue and you answer.
Fantasy World Things
None Of These Are Real.