Famous Paintings in Art History
Learn the names, artists, and dates of some of the most influential paintings of all time.
Film Jobs Review
All the film jobs study guide
Learning Animals Names
A helpful way for kids of all ages to learn the faces and names of animals.
Vocabulary terms on unit: Color
Ăn (food) cb (Vietnamese)
Cool beans🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝
Look the picture and choose the correct colour. Mira la imagen y elegí el color correcto.
Smart with Art
Answer 20 questions. If you get a question wrong you will have 30 seconds to sketch something upside down! Good Luck!
Match the Picture with the Suitable Word
full blast module 4b
The Elements of Space
Answer the questions about the element of space to find the code to enter in peardeck! First 3 back get entered into the PBSIS drawing!
Materials Texture Adjectives
Year 2