Suffixes Tic Tac Toe
Reviews the suffixes -en, -er, -est, -ful, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -ous, and -y
Name the Long Vowel
Students are presented with a one-syllable or two-syllable word. They must determine the long vowel used by the word.
Russian Greetings
Check your knowledge of greetings in Russian
The Best French Crossword
Daily terms from English to French
American Revolution
Road to Revolution: Put these key events in chronological order
Español: La casa
Learn the parts of the house in español.
Literary Terms Crossword
How well do you know your literary terms?
Tic Tac Toe: Types of Characters in Literature
Different ypes of characters in literature
Academic Vocabulary 2
Words commonly used in academic settings
Hunger Games Characters
The characters from Chapters 1-7 of The Hunger Games