Simple Machines Crossword
Simple machines vocabulary
Workplace Ergonomics
Tic-Tac-Toe Game of Ergonomic Principles (Ref: Ergonomics: The Study of Work OSHA 3125)
Occupational Accident Investigation - Terms/Definitions
This Tic-Tac-Toe game will review basic terms and definitions associated with Accident Investigations.
Macaulay's Method (the double integration method) - Deflection
Order the steps for deflection in beams(using the macaulay's step function)
Polymers (GCSE-A-Level)
solve the clues to get the answers
CAD Crossword
Test you knowledge of CAD Design Terminology
Adivina el concepto de marketing!
Aprende conceptos básicos de marketing completando! :)
Engineering Design Method
Answer questions related to the engineering design method correctly to avoid the beekeeper!
10 Questions About Steam Trains
In this game, you will drill different types of fasteners. Choose the correct name for each piece!