Simple Machines Crossword
Simple machines vocabulary
Chapter 3 Theories of Accident Causation
For IE 558 - Theories of Accident Causation
Macaulay's Method (the double integration method) - Deflection
Order the steps for deflection in beams(using the macaulay's step function)
Polymers (GCSE-A-Level)
solve the clues to get the answers
CAD Crossword
Test you knowledge of CAD Design Terminology
Adivina el concepto de marketing!
Aprende conceptos básicos de marketing completando! :)
CProctor -Design Cycle Part 2
Design cycle crossword
Quiz on TML
Supplier Traceability Claim
Hello and welcome to this sequencing game! The goal is to put the claim steps in the correct order. You will work in teams to complete this mission, so make sure you use the designed Teams chat :)
BCD: Technical Drawing Test
Technical Drawing Test