Basic Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe
You may need serous Multiplication skills for this game!
How to Convert from One Unit to Another in the Metric System
In this learning activity you'll practice converting from one metric unit to another.
Think of a stairway with the biggest metric unit at the top and the smallest at the bottom.
Fun with Addition and Subtraction
What operation will you use for the Number problems
Mots Croisés HEC
Teste ton niveau de culture HEC!
Data Table & Graph Review
Review Graphing Vocabulary. The last two questions use a graph found here:
Number Spellings - Large Numbers
Choose the correct written number alternative
Match the Number
Try and match the number to the word
الصيغ الرياضية (Mathematical formulas)
IT subject - Time out game for grade six students.
Matching Elementary Math Terms
Students will match terms to the correct answer.
Fraction Medley
Solve the word problem.