Reverse Distributive Property
Find the equivalent expressions.
Creating and Solving Linear Equation
Solve linear equation problems in order to get more moves to match the vegetables.
Steines Squid Hunter - Algebra
Students will practice solving basic equations with this game.
Math Review: Inequalities
3.1-3.3 Solving 1-step inequalities
Remainder and Factor
Solve for the remainder and factors of the polynomials
Veggie Division Decimals
Divide Decimals - No Remainders Allowed
2 Times the Fun! (Multiplication)
Multiply by 2 to help the Pirate eliminate squids!
Số-Numbers in Vietnamese
Numbers food
Gematria Practice
Test Your Knowledge of Gematria!
1 Step Equations: Add and Subtract - Level 3
Solve 1 step equations with addition and subtraction with fractions.