Chapter 6 Personal Risk Management
Protecting Property, Protecting Income, risk assessment, risk strategies
Health Insurance Millionaire
Health Insurance Terms Review
Europe Economics
Economics Final Review
Interactive review game for Economics Chapter 1
Types of Economies
Answer the questions correctly for market, command, and traditional economies.
¿Cuánto sabes de insights, personas y observaciones?
Este es un juego para medir cuanto sabes acerca de insights, personas y observaciones. Intenta contestar bien todas la preguntas. Puedes apoyarte de bonos como preguntar a la audiencia, eliminar la mitad o un tercio de las preguntas, ¡pero ojo! solo puedes usarlos una vez.
Insight, Observaciones, Personas
Insight, Observations, Personas in Spanish
International Organizations 5.0
Its a game of the most important organizations, treaties, and banks around the world
ACCOUNTING HUNTER (Ēkā'unṭiṅga śikārī in Malay)
hunter treasure while learning
This game is about the economy of Colombia