Civic Duties and Responsibilities
Civic Duties and Responsibilities review. Determine if the example given is a duty or responsibility
Presidents #1-10 Squid Hunter Game
Play this game to learn the order of the first 10 U.S. Presidents.
Squid Hunter : Gender Inequality
A game of Squid Hunter for fun and Knowledge!
Amendment Vocabulary Review Squid Hunter
Amendment Vocabulary Review
Wisconsin Law- Alcohol & Other Drugs
Learn about the law regarding alcohol & other drugs.
SALT Class 2
Constitutional issues - choose the constitutional provision most likely implicated by the scenario described.
Unit 5 - L3 Squid Hunter
Practice for Unit 5 L3
Political Science - FACTS
The Revolt of 1857
The first war of Independence
Civics Exam Review
Covers a variety of topics talked about in Mr. Carey's Civic's class.