Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is comprised of five-tiers of human needs, often depicted as a pyramid with our most basic needs at the bottom. Put the hierarchy of needs in order with the most basic need first!
Brain & Behaviour
You'll be introduced to the link between brain and behavior.
Adolescent Development Trivia
This game will test your knowledge on Adolescent Development.
Branches of Psychology
This game is a review activity for a grade 10 Psychology class.
Substance Related and Addictive Disorders
You'll learn about substance abuse and addictive disorders.
Adolescence Terminology Review
A game that will give you a further understanding of adolescence!
Social Psychology: Teaching Tolerance
Answering questions from Longman Academic Reading Series 1. Chapter 5.
Kindness Game
Let's show kindness to one another. Let's go!
AP Psych Review Game: Semester 1
AP Psych first-semester mc review game
Psychological Disorders
Try your best! Take screenshots of your results to share with me!