General Knowledge Game: Science, Theology, Philosophy
Test your knowledge on different trivia questions.
SOCIOLOGY 205 Lessons 2 & 3
Game incorporating content from lesson 2 (theory) and 3 (theory cont.)
Sociology: SOCI 205 Education
Education Section
Inventori Ketagihan Internet (Internet Activity in Malay Language)
Melihat sejauh mana ketagihan internet anda berdasarkan 5 soalan.
Kata Adjektif (Adjectives in Malay)
Kenal pasti perasaan saya berdasarkan penyataan dengan perkataan yang sesuai dan ejaan yang betul.
Sila jawab semua soalan yang diberikan berdasarkan komik yang telah anda baca.
Leadership and Motivation
Learning about leadership and motivation
Systematic Oppression /Liberation Health Model
Game is based off the readings from the text book: readings for diversity and social justice
Guess the word.
Participants must put the correct word according to the description.
Giving Definition Hangmoon
Hangmoon is a one-player game. There is no limit to the number of questions that may be written for a game. Players guess the phrase and letters. If the learner makes too many incorrect guesses, the grim reaper appears. Guess the following words.