для средних и старших школьников
Crime Academic Vocabulary Slither
Some terms used in discussions of crime
Total Defence
Match the correct pillar to the description.
Build your Knowledge - Public knowledge and Interesting Facts
This game tests your public knowledge. Are you ready to play?
Urbanization and Environment: Hunt the Squid!
Arg! Welcome to Hunt the Squid, a Game to review for Urbanization and Environment chapters for SOCI 205 in TAMUG. You're objective: hunt the invasive squids to protect the local city: saving the environment and preventing urban decay! Are you ready? Let's Play!
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Social Skills Edition
Social Skills Responses
HDFS 230 Exam Three Review
Exam Three Review
How well do you know your 3 approaches to Ethical Analysis?
Ethical Theories
Life Course Perspective
Human Development and Family Studies
Internet Addiction Check Up (In Malay Language)
Inventori ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti tahap ketagihan internet seseorang individu berdasarkan 5 soalan yang disediakan.